Selecting the Chem Resistant trait results in a 50% resistance to the addictive effect of individual chems, while the Chem Reliant trait doubles it, but with faster recovery. N/A: "You feel a burning desire to open another box of Tragic cards" Template:Small Template:Small Template:Small Fallout and Fallout 2 ITEM
Certain NPCs have addictions, not just the player character. For non-Jet addictions, addiction lasts seven days from the onset of the withdrawal effects (nine days of non-use), while Jet addiction can only be cured with the Jet antidote. For Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, withdrawal effects occur after becoming addicted and going for some amount of time without using that chem. Many substances in the Fallout games are addictive. An addict suffers withdrawal symptoms that can cause ill effects when a drug wears off. Addiction can happen from using too many chems.